Global Group’s Strategic Projects Department consists of high-level, professional team who bring with them a wealth of international experience.

The company provides and implement strategic services to governments and international companies for large-scale, long-term projects in areas that include energy, infrastructure, agriculture, transportation, economics, international relations, and more.

Global Group’s team, which has assisted countries and companies around the globe, has accumulated extensive experience in successfully resolving complex challenges – challenges that include handling national crises, obtaining external sources of funding, and providing support and guidance in the implementation of national programs

Safe Zones

Safe Zones, a subsidy of Global Group, is proud to present the Safe Zones System. A set of comprehensive interlocking tools that enables effectively fight the pandemic while restoring economic activity and normalcy back into the public domains.

Why Safe Zones?

  • Safe Zones System combines innovative clinical and
    IT technologies with practical effective doctrine and full actual implementation on site.
  • Safe Zones system is a joint venture of Global Group – an Israeli based company specializes in complex and large-scale projects on a national and regional level with projects worldwide – together with the Sheba Medical Center, one of the top 10 in the world – and the Israeli Federation of Local Authorities.

Our Advantage

  • Status declaration (vaccinated / recoverd / PCR)
  • Queing System to reduce crowd gathering
  • A-Z Management – Queue control
  • Billing system, if required
  • Accurate output in 15 minutes test – Green / red
  • Functional dashboard for command and control

Safe Zones Streamline

Sign In

Add your details to our mobile app.

Take a Test

In your car or on a testing stand, wherever you like, our highly trained staff will take a quick swab test.

Get Results, Fast

Within no longer then 15 minutes, your results will be sent to your mobile via app.

Enter Safe Zone

Freely take a flight, enjoy an event or watch a show

Learn More about Safe Zones